UnCaged Whispers

Clara Simpson
Dec 21, 2021
Beautiful image, credit: Ricardo Frantz, with thanks

There is so much to say

Skyscrapers of words

Valleys of stories

Vistas of possibility

A life craving witness

A soul found

I open my lips to connect beyond this safe solitude

Momentarily certain of universal resonance

While fearing a mirage

Surely I’m not alone?

Frozen behind injustices

Emboldening them with my silence

Shaking fingers hover over sturdy keys

Form a thought

Type a word

I pause

A whisper flutters out from behind rusty bars

Two guards instantly appear

Shame, and Fear

Guns aiming, loaded

Menacing eyes

My conditioned fearful heart pounds

The whisper obediently returning to her cage

There is so much to say

Skyscrapers of words

Valleys of stories

Vistas of possibility

A life craving witness

A soul found

And a roaring bravery


